Pain Management Clinic

Pain Management

Care Clinics


NUROKOR: The drug-free solution for an easier, pain-free life.

It's possible to live pain-free at any age

Are you suffering with acute or chronic pain?

NuroKor Lifetech brings effective pain management technology to everyone with ultra-wearable devices that seamlessly fit into your life.

Book a free trial

Peripheral Nerve Stimulation

PNS is at the heart of how NuroKor Lifetech addresses pain. By delivering therapeutic electrical currents to the nerves at the edge of your body, we can influence the signals that are transmitted to your brain and how you feel pain.

PNS may also help release endorphins, chemicals that are the body’s natural painkillers.

Neuromuscular Stimulation

NMS uses therapeutic electrical currents to make your muscles contract. It sounds simple but it has many applications, including being used by athletes to optimise their recovery to then increase their performance gains.

It can also help “re-train” muscles and to help with mobility issues, keep muscles active & improve circulation.

Microcurrent Stimulation

Inflammation is a central part of the healing process, but that doesn’t stop it causing pain and other problems, especially when it gets out of control - just look at arthritis and many other autoimmune conditions.

Our signature MC2 treatment mode, has been shown to help regulate inflammation and reduce the risk of it getting out of control.


20 minute


Book your trial

Meet with one of our trained staff members and try Nurokor for yourself.

No strings attached (well... only the Nurokor device!)

Please read the contraindications and cautions information here ahead of your appointment

There is no pressure to buy any products in the room.

Please feel free to book a consultation on an enquiry/trial basis and ask us any questions you may have.

At Prestwich Pharmacy, we are committed to helping you become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself. 


What our clients had to say

"My dad suffers from arthritis in his back and has a very physically and mentally demanding job. He was reluctant to go on strong painkillers because the side effects might affect his work.

His Nurokor has made a world of difference to him, he’s able to stick to minimal painkillers and use the machine to top-up his pain relief whenever he needs it.

He’s finally able to get a good night’s sleep and move around more freely!"


Try it for free


mibody: £99 (RRP £119)

mitouch: £399


KorShoe: £39

KorGlove: £45

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