Bowen & Scar Tissue Release


We are here to help!

Bowen Technique

Denise McAvoy BTAA DNN

 Bowen Technique | McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release | Integrated Health Practitioner

 Bowen Technique is a soft tissue manipulation hands-on treatment for the correction of both mechanical & neural dysfunction.  ​

Change is triggered through communication, by touch, with the central nervous system creating stimuli for the body to respond to. 

Bowen allows for possible reduction in inflammation, pain & discomfort while increasing mobility & flexibility. 

This in turn can improve sleep & reduce stress resulting in increased energy levels aiding to a return in health & wellness.​

Bowen may also offer pain relief for many varied conditions, whether digestive, menstrual, respiratory, auto-immune, neurological, stress, trauma, injury & accidents etc.

Bowen may help with a wide range of conditions both acute and chronic. 

All types of muscular, skeletal and joint problems may be addressed as well as digestion, circulation, menstrual, hormonal and emotional issues such as... read more

Price List

1h Bowen Treatment - £45

Free 10 min Consultation - Call Now

COVID-19 Safety Procedures

Covid-19 Clinical Statement from Denise McAvoy:


I want you to feel safe and relaxed coming back to clinic.

So rest assured - we are doing everything possible in taking reasonable measures to comply with current government guidance to minimise risks of spread of infection for you, for myself and for others in the premises.


This requires putting some new practises in place to maintain our high standards of cleanliness and 


On attending for your Bowen session I will ask you to please:


  • confirm that on this day you are Covid-19 symptom free
  • arrive only at your appointed time
  • face coverings are compulsory unless you are exempt
  • observe social distancing guidance at all times 
  • attend on your own unless accompanying a child for treatment
  • (if you require assistance then let me know so I can meet you at the main entrance)
  • wait in the appointed seating area only
  • try not to bring extra bags or personal belongings with you, just essentials
  • leave shoes outside the clinic door
  • before we start your treatment you will be asked to sanitise your hands (provided in waiting area) or wash your hands following the guidance poster in the clinic room
  • use tissues provided to cover your face should you feel the need to cough or sneeze & avoid touching your face where possible 
  • as blankets and couch covers have been removed from treatment rooms you may bring a pillow for comfort or a covering if you are concerned about being cold (please ensure you bring these in a sealed plastic bag)
  • I will open doors on entering and leaving for you to minimise touch points
  • please try to go to the toilet before you come to the clinic




On my side I’ll be ensuring:


  • there will be extra time between clients to avoid client to client interaction and honour social distancing
  • allow for thorough cleaning & ventilation of the clinic room itself together with communal areas 
  • our clinic couch, seats and bolsters used in the treatment room are wipeable
  • use of the most appropriate PPE at all times together with its safe disposal
  • at the start and close of each day the clinic room and all communal areas will undergo an extra thorough cleaning with disinfectant
  • all supplies for sanitisation will be checked and replenished daily

McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release

Scar tissue naturally forms as a result of trauma or puncture to the skin.  

While its formation is often essential, scar tissue can cause underlying problems which may aggravate other conditions preventing them from healing such as abdominal surgeries impacting on low back pain, or ankle sprains affecting gait and posture creating referred pains. This is why I always approach your body from a holistic stance.

McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release®️ (MSTR) is an innovative successful method giving long lasting results. The technique is quick, easy to apply and receive and may benefit scar tissue no matter how long you've had it, even decades.
Free 10 min Consultation - Call Now

What scars might benefit?

Caesarian Section Heart Surgery Pulls or Tears to Muscles
Abdominal/Bowel/Appendix Broken Bones Whiplash
Spinal Fusion Toe & Foot Surgery Sprains to Ankles or Wrists
Joint Replacements Plantar Fasciitis Repetitive Stress injuries
Knee Procedures & Replacements Dupuytrens Contracture Sports Injuries
Mastectomy, Breast Reductions or Enhancements Frozen Shoulder Burns & Skin Grafts

Don't take just our word for it ...

Denise is a wonderful, friendly lady who made me feel very welcome and comfortable with my first experience at Bowen therapy. 

I damaged my shoulder 5 years ago, I lost a lot of shoulder mobility which remained unimproved and undiagnosed despite MRI scans and physio, both private and on the NHS.

I also damaged my other shoulder more recently, experiencing a lot of pain when moving my arm in certain directions. 

I had 3 Bowen sessions with Denise after which I now have full range of movement in my shoulder and no pain. 

Absolutely thrilled with the results, would recommend to anyone. 
I've had a few Bowen treatments from Denise and the results were amazing. Denise is so knowledgeable and passionate about what she does. She made me feel completely at ease, with her calm and caring manner. Denise explained each step of the treatment as she was doing it. At the end of each treatment I wasn't rushed, Denise would ask how I was feeling and gave me some exercises to do.

I felt so much better both physically and mentally and I can't recommend Denise enough.
Jayne H
My experience is that of amazement of how out of balance my body was & how quickly it was rectified. I suffered RLS for over 30yrs - after 1st treatment less agitated, 2nd more relaxed and 3rd a much happier soul. I could actually sit and watch a program without pain relief and fidgeting!

I feel more balanced with less pain, freer movements / less stiffness in my joints - so glad I took the opportunity to try such a life enhancing technique. Thank you Denise. 
I went to see Denise following a second operation on my left little finger for Dupuytrens which after only 6 months had started to rebrand and I was in constant pain. The skin graft was still a greenish colour and very tight with little or no movement of the finger. The graft site on my forearm had also not healed well. When I left the first session I experienced tremendous pain for around an hour, after which something shifted with immediate pain relief which has continued. I have had another 3 sessions and the graft is now a good healthy colour, the tightness is relaxing so that I have mobility and flexibility in the finger plus the graft site itself is now flat showing no inflammation and continues to heal and fade. The index finger of my right hand was also affected and this can now be held straight so that I have full use of both my hands. I am totally amazed at the results in such a short time period.
Denise B


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